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Hello there! I'm SimpleBear.

Last I checked I was 22 years old. Currently I'm a hobbyist in programming, gardening, design and certainly some science (do not ask me about the periodic table though, lol)

I live in Egypt 🇪🇬

I currently don't work for any company nor am seeking for a job right now, but I'm certainly looking forward to it at some point in the future 😅

In my spare time I work on my own hobby projects (including this website!) and manage a few online communities of my own.


This section is mostly about programming, but there are other things too.

I am mostly proficient at TypeScript and C#, as for the frameworks well there's a lot. I'm still kinda trying to get my ropes with Vue and Svelte.


  • C#
  • JavaScript and TypeScript
  • Some C++
  • Some C

Native frameworks

  • WinUI 3
  • Some classic Win32
  • Windows Forms
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  • Some Jetpack Compose
  • Android XML

Yeah there's absolutely no electrons here. If I'm considering making an Electron app I think I'll most likely end up just using Tauri instead, since it's much better in my opinion.

Web frameworks

  • Plain HTML/CSS/JS (no framework basically)
  • React (or Preact sometimes but there's not much difference)
  • Some Svelte
  • Some Vue

What's your dev toolchain?

Most of the time I use Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code to do my development stuff. I might look into daily driving JetBrains' tools at one point.

For mobile development I use Android Studio. I don't do any iOS development so I don't really see myself needing dev tools for Apple's ecosystem specifically.

Designs and other misc stuff

I do designs, too. I'm not that good at picking colors, but in any case I usually use Figma to design concepts and wallpapers. For wallpapers I might use AI tools sometimes, and Photoshop.

You can check out my Twitter profile every once and while for new concepts, might eventually post them here later.

I haven't really got much into video editing myself, but at one point I might try After Effects for concept animations, and any other tool for basic video editing. I like teaching people about stuff when I get the time 😃 I'm planning to do some tutorials in the future maybe on my YouTube channel to show that.

In any case, if you want to show me your project, think I can help with anything, or even just say hi, feel free to contact me through any means. I welcome all friendly communication!

How to contact?

I have a few platforms you can use to contact me on, you can choose whatever's your favorite, I don't mind if you use any of them.

I can be really busy sometimes so I'm really sorry if I end up responding late to your request.

You can contact me on:

You can also see me on:


I basically use a 7 year old PC (as of the time of writing this) which seriously sucks, but I can't afford a new PC anyway. In addition to that, I daily drive the Samsung Galaxy A32 4G phone.